April 2024
alumni stories Where are they now?
Edition 47—Peter Gelzinis
written by Eliza Whalen
No Place Like Home
As a teenager, Peter Gelzinis spent many of his summers with Artists For Humanity. Shifting to the Photography Studio soon after he joined, he passed much of his time on the streets of Boston, wandering with a Nikon camera. His assignment was often to capture what piqued his interest, which tended to be the city’s built environment—architecture, construction, and gritty, industrial scenes.
When I meet with Gelzinis, he is preparing for a move back into his childhood home in South Boston. Growing up in the city in the 90s, Gelzinis bore witness to rapid development, which often manifested as the rethinking of underutilized spaces. Recalling the transformation of the Rose Kennedy Greenway—which replaced an elevated highway with a public park—he speaks graciously of the community-centered changes to the city he was raised in.
Though Gelzinis only worked for AFH during the summertime, the organization’s influence on his appreciation of Boston and the city’s communities is apparent. Gelzinis first heard about AFH in seventh grade, when Founder Susan Rodgerson visited his middle school in search of creative teens to employ. Though his favorite subjects tended toward history and political science, Gelzinis admits that he always had an interest in art, and enjoyed drawing. Of course, the prospect of being paid to do creative work as a teenager was also a welcome source of encouragement.
Remembering his first day as an AFH employee, Gelzinis begins with the space: “When you walked in, paint was splattered everywhere, it was big — wide open.” Describing the teen work that decorated the walls, he shifts to talking about the creators themselves.
“It was a mix of a lot of different kids…but the thing that we all had in common was that we grew up in Boston. And I remember that phase of our lives. I mean we were just little kids, but there was an interest among us in trying to copy interesting pieces of graffiti art that we saw around the city and designing really elaborate murals.”
United by a common environment, which inspired a shared interest in graffiti and public art, Gelzinis befriended teens from other schools he may have otherwise never met. Seeing the murals AFH and its co-founders created, he was starstruck, comparing the artists to “celebrities” through his younger eyes. Though he never created one himself, Gelzinis recalls watching the completion of a mural commemorating Black American baseball leagues on the side of a local bank. Seeing the artists put the final piece together, and understanding how the project contributed to beautifying and informing the community, he cites the experience as one of his favorite AFH memories.
Artists For Humanity’s “The Negro National League” mural sponsored by Fleet.
In spite of his admiration for public art, Gelzinis primarily focused on growing his skills in photography while at AFH. He expresses gratitude for his mentors in the Photography Studio–particularly John Brewer–who guided him in a medium he had never before experimented with. Learning about composition, film development, and dark rooms, he created a personal portfolio, much of which documented his surroundings in Boston.